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Get rid of Laptop over heating problem

Get rid of over heating problem of high end laptops, Better to try after warranty.

Almost everyone who have laptop with Beast Graphics card + CPU (for eg: Nvidia gt650+intel i7) are suffering with Lagging/Throttling CPU issues due to over heating while hordcore gaming. I belive that you guys are tried with cooling pad and no change with that too right?, Im sure i did all of them. Bought cooling pad, Made exhaust duct with extra fan but guess what, Nothing changed. 
My laptop is "Samsung NP550P5C S01IN" having CPU: Intel core i5, Graphics: Nvidia GT650 2gb and 6GB RAM, It supports all the games as its well configured one. But the problem is OVERHEATING and THROTTLING. Changed motherboard once within warranty period to resolve this overheating issue, Nothing has changed so far because there is a problem with air vents. Waited for "AFTER WARRANTY" periods, And Here i go...
What i did?
Nothing more, Just taken a drilling machine, and drilled some holes thats it.

  1. Take off the battery, RAM and HDD cover.
  2. Take off all the screws.
  3. Extract back cover from laptop. Make sure of connection between laptop and back cover, I had sub-woofers in my case
  4. Mark exact location on back cover where the laptop fan placed in laptop. 
  5. Drill some holes, Say 15 holes.
  6. Check the positions, Like fan and holes are in proper position.
  7. Screw the back-cover to laptop.
  8. connect the battery and run game, If it is also felt lagging, then proceed to next
  9. Take the cooling pad which you bought before.
  10. Place extra 5V fan Exact under the holes of back cover and power it.
Here you go your COOL laptop is ready.
Before this modification my laptop is clocking at 101'C yes i know its insane, But now its max temp is 80'C.
Played FarCry 4, COD AW in high setting

Now your turn guys, Keep voiding warranty and get cool laptops.

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